Meet Samantha

Welcome to The Well Clinic! I’m Samantha Babin, and I’m excited to be part of your journey towards hope, wellness, and life. As you navigate this path of healing and growth, know that I am here to support and guide you in any way I can.  I am a graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where I obtained a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Counseling.  I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. specializing in counselor education and supervision at NOBTS.  

My foundation of faith serves as a guide personally and professionally.  Nonetheless, I do realize spirituality is a personal choice and I encourage those I serve to be true to their own beliefs and I work collaboratively with individuals on how (if at all) spirituality is worked into treatment. I believe we all want to be seen, heard and valued but sometimes our learned patterns of relating and unspoken rules or beliefs keep us hidden.  I understand the complexity of how each person experiences life from the cradle to the grave and I desire to walk alongside individuals, families and couples in helping discover and unlock identity, beliefs, trauma (sexual, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual abuse / neglect), grief and relational patterns that contribute to anxiety, depression, relational conflict, addictions,  and many other mental health issues.  I have specialized training in treatment methods that are trauma-informed (e.g. EMDR, Mending the Soul, Emotion Focused Therapy) and growth-oriented.  

I have been married 28 years and together we have raised four children blended together from previous marriages, together and foster.  In my free time I like to go on road trips with my husband and two lap dogs or just spend time with my kids and grandkids playing cards, riding bikes and swimming.  


A few of my favorite spaces…..

